West Harden
- What is your name? West Harden.
- Who is your best friend? I got a few of ’em. Crock, Bear, and my wife, Comfort.
- Who is your biggest enemy? Myself. Plain and simple.
- Who does your most admire? My Pa. Best man ever.
- Who is your biggest competition? Same answer as before. Myself. I gotta out-do what I’ve done before.
- How are you viewed by others? Don’t know. You’d have to ask ’em. Nah. I’m just teasin’ ya. My brothers probably think I’m a bit too confident. My wife adores me. I mean, how could she not? And between you and me, I’m my folks’ favorite.
- What are your best memories as a child? I’d gotten in trouble for somethin’, don’t right recall what now. But my pa made me go into the shed and build. I built my mama a small jewelry box. It’s my best memory ’cause it began my love for woodcarvin’.
- Have you had a falling out with anyone? Who hasn’t? I’ve argued with Bear, my older brother.
- Who do you care most about? God first my wife second.
- Who do you hate? No one. The Bible tells us not to hate. I don’t like specific people. Like those who threaten my family, my extended family, or those I care about. But I don’t hate ’em.
- Who is most similar to you? Bear and I are more alike than me and Crock.
- Who is the opposite of you? Crock. He’s the responsible one. The one who has to have his life in order. I am more easy going, talkative, and fun loving.
- Who does you wish you had a relationship with? I don’t need to have a relationship with anyone than who I have in my life. I’m perty content, if you ask me.
- What are you most proud of? My wife. She overcame a memory issue, rebuilt who she was before the accident in conjunction with who she thought she was after. She’s amazing.
- What is your biggest insecurities? That I won’t be able to provide for my family. That I’ll fail. I hate failin’. It ain’t somethin’ I’m used to.
- What are your 3 biggest personality traits? I’m outgoing, talkative, and opinionated.
- Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Extrovert. I love being’ with people.
- When are you most happy? When I’m layin’ in bed with Comfort, just holdin’ each other and talkin’.
- What makes you sad? When Comfort’s sad. It breaks my heart when she’s hurtin’ and I can’t do anythin’ to fix it.
- What is advice you have for your children? Love the Lord. Don’t give up on your dreams but be open to them changin’.